Monday, July 15, 2013

Stuff from the past few days...

Rain, rain and more rain was what we had been suffering, soaked and chilled to the bone, for the previous few days.

Fortunately, at last, yesterday and today, the golden healing rays of the sun have been beaming down on us from clear blue skies and although there have been still some headwinds in our faces and thigh-busting grades to pedal up, it's been SIGNIFICANTLY much more fun for being able to see the scenery (as opposed to head down, staring at the road 3 feet in front of our wheels, braced against the deluge and the frigid air).

The snow-capped mountains that surround us as we pedal between 2 ranges are stunning...

At the end of Saturday, our last miserable cold wet day, we stopped at the amazing lodge at Tatogga Lake, where for $20 for the 3 of us, we got a great campsite, flushing toilets, unlimited hot shower use, and the enjoyment of the heated lodge, where I had a huge slice of hot homemade apple pie & ice-cream. Plus I got to see some of the local (now deceased!) wildlife up-close, to get an appreciation of just how big things can get... Especially the bull moose and the timber wolves.

We are all doing much better for the sunny dry weather, although Will has suffered problems with his rear tyre a few more times than I think he'd like...

Hopefully, with a new tube AND a new tyre fitted, he'll stop having a soft slowly deflating rear wheel...

Now, we are at Meziadin Lake Park, where we have some pretty decent wifi (for a nominal fee of $5) and a nice flat area to pitch the tents.

We just dined like kings on some freeze-dried meals, and once I'm done typing this, it's time to hit the sack...

We had a couple of double big muther-humper hills to get over before we finally got here, almost 90 miles from our roadside campsite this morning... So we're pretty pooped...

So for now...



- Posted using BlogPress from my amazing iPhone 5.

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