Saturday, July 6, 2013

Out and about in Whitehorse.

We went out for some more shopping earlier, all of us stocking up on some new needed gear, and some not so needed gear (yeah, I had to buy a new knife!) plus some freeze-dried meals for the road ahead.

Will also got busy, mixing it up with the local attractions...!

I noticed that McDonalds in Canada also has Canada's signature red Maple leaf prominently and pretty stylishly incorporated into the logo.

Although it'd be a large weight to carry, we are kinda tempted to try a 'Chicken in a Can'..!

The constant headwind and dry conditions have been taking their toll on my skin, so with much giggling and metrosexual jokes from the girls at the pharmacy, they helped me find some facial rehydrating masks, which now I'm back at the motel, I have slathered all over my chapped and dry mug..!

Will has headed off to the Yukon Beer brewery, to enjoy a tasting and tour session, and Tom and I are going to shop for our remaining meals for the days ahead. Plus a bite of lunch and maybe a movie later...

For now,



- Posted using BlogPress from my amazing iPhone 5.

Location:Wood St,Whitehorse,Canada

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