Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Setting up the gear...

Ok... The first post was a success... The main website has been updated and is currently uploading... So now it's time to set up the mobile devices, and then I'm set for journal updates from the road.
5 weeks to go, and the training and preparation is still in full swing.
I'm pretty sorted for gear now. Unless they bring out the much anticipated and expected iPad Mini 2 with Retina Display... In which case, that'll likely be the last bit of gear I'll be buying.
The GPS side of things is taken care of... Tom has his Garmin, and I have a spanking new Suunto Ambit, which is awesome. And it's my watch!

It should come in pretty handy for easy-to-glance navigation, and we have one known "off the beaten path" route to 1) find, and 2) navigate... And I've got it programmed in already. If we miss it, I'll be as surprised as disappointed!

Another new bit of kit is the panning clamp I've fitted to my little lightweight CF tripod, so we should have no excuses if we don't get nicely level, even panoramic pix...
Lastly, new sunnies round out the new gear...

OK, that should do for a second "lets see how well I remember to do this, and does it work OK?" post...

As we do a bit more training, I'll add a few more posts, but the main good stuff is still around 5 weeks away, once I begin to head State-side...
So for now,

- Posted using BlogPress from my awesome iPad Mini.

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