Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Preparation time again...

Two years have passed since the last Roadwarriors adventure... one that I manage to look back on fondly, even though most of it was spent in a considerable amount of pain... 

The pain was definitely physical for me, as I suffered 2 herniated discs from being clipped by a car in northern Vietnam... But for Tom, more a sympathetic pain, as seeing me suffer can't have been any fun for him.

This year, after lots of training, chiro work and swimming, I'm now feeling much better.

The weather has been on and off, with a lot more heavy rain than ideal, but when it's let up some, I've been out on some great training rides... great aside from a stupid accident (stupid being the other people who caused it!) which left me a bit cut and bruised...

My awfully coloured bruised hip.
A nicely split elbow... which swelled up like an avocado!

Out riding in 35 degrees... so a nice shady spot to take a break is great.

Enjoying the cool weather one evening. 

So, on June 13th, I am flying over to MN to meet up with T-Rex again, and after a few days at his place, we are flying to Anchorage, AK, to meet up with Will, and hopefully Rob, to begin the next marathon mountain-biking adventure... 

5000+ KMs (3000+ miles) of riding, though some amazing Alaskan, Canadian, and north American scenery.

The roughly mapped out route will see us leaving Anchorage on June 18th, and begining to ride north through Denali NP, to Fairbanks. After that, we head SE towards Whitehorse, some 590 miles away.

I'm sure we will spend a few days in Whitehorse, as there's some hot-springs nearby, so I reckon a good soak will be order by then.

After that, we push onwards 2500+ kms, towards Calgary, stopping just beforehand to visit friends Kat, Mike and their new baby, in Canmore.

Once we head out of that area, the route is less decided, as we may stay in Canada, and ride pretty much due east towards the 'Peg (Winnipeg) or we may make more of a bee-line down through the Dakotas, then on to MN... That's part of the fun of the ride though... we don't have, nor have to have, a fixed regimented schedule... other than making some good miles most days.

So this will be the official ride-journal, which we will post to as often as possible.

For now, it's more gear-sorting, weighing, and re-packing, as well as plenty of training!

The new ultra-light long bike lock cable I made.
A nice evening for a bunch of miles... Seletar Dam rest break.

Keep watching this space!

Cheers y'all.



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