Wednesday, July 17, 2013


We have made it to the Trans-Canada Highway, also known as Route 16.
We left the Cassiar Highway this morning and have begun to head in a more east-south-easterly direction.
The Cassiar was beautiful (once we could see it after the clouds and the rain) but quite a tough ride, with the last section having little in the way of services and plenty in the way of mozzies, gnats and flies.
We are all pretty well bitten up... But that's part of the deal when bush camping.
The lump on my neck really itches though!

Route 16 has been very well paved, with a mostly large shoulder to ride along, and also pretty well graded, with only a few short steep climbs that have called for a lot of gear down-shifting.
We've also been treated to a few gas station breaks, enjoying a cold soda and a large selection of snacks too... So we have to be careful to not pile back on the pounds we've lost!

Tonight we have stopped about 6 miles from the town of Smithers at the Glacier View RV park,

where we have thoroughly enjoyed the lovely view of the glacier... And the use of the free wifi, hot showers, flushing toilets, and by far the best part, the fact that the whole park appears to be bug-free..! We assume they must fog regularly, but whatever the reason, the place is fantastic. There's a lovely evening breeze too, so if it keeps up, we should enjoy a dew-free pack up in the morning too.

Tomorrow, we push onwards to Smithers where we will grab some brekky at Maccas, plus possibly some small items of needed or replacement gear at the outfitters in town, before riding on SE towards Prince George... We should get to PG in 3 days or so, where a much needed zero will be taken to give our sore aching asses a much needed break from the bike saddle...

More soon.



- Posted using BlogPress from my amazing iPhone 5.

Location:Nouch Frontage Rd,,Canada

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